(X+Y=10) Not everything in life is success
There are things more important to the parent's role to accompany their children' school life, they need to worry about family' survival facing common challenges of everyday life. Another important question is to give moral education to their children. We must understand that many children are ashamed of not having what others have but not ashamed to do what is immoral to harm and humiliate other children or even teachers. Likewise do not feel any embarrassment to disturb people around them. We are what we learn, says Mr Barack Obama. The Brazilian students have demonstrated not adequate moral education to prepare them for a satisfying social experience.
(X+Y=10) Nem tudo na vida é êxito
há coisas mais importantes no papel dos pais que acompanhar a vida escolar de seus filhos. Eles precisam se preocuparem com a sobrevivência familiar enfrentando desafios comuns do dia a dia. Outra tarefa importante é dar educação moral para seus filhos. Devemos compreender que muitos filhos ficam envergonhados de não ter oque os outros tem, mas não se envergonham de fazer oque é imoral, agredir e humilhar outras crianças ou mesmo professores. Igualmente não se sentem constrangidos em perturbar as pessoas ao seu redor. Nós somos oque aprendemos diz o senhor Barack Obama. Os estudantes brasileiros tem demonstrado que não tiveram uma educação moral adequada para prepará-los para uma vida social satisfatória.
Este é o texto que incomodou muitos alunos: diziam eles hei professor não sabemos nem português direito como vamos saber inglês? Mas oque incomodava na verdade era a exposição de ideias, não o fato de ser em duas línguas!!! Garibaldi, agosto de 2010.
when life has you feeling down, keep these words in mind... Don't let life discourage you; everyone who got where he is had to begin where he was. Difficulties are meant to rouse not discourage.
---------------------- (Richard Evans) -------------------------------------
Take charge of your life by beginning something you've always wanted to do if your goal seems overwhelming start small.
“Imagine – your imagination has no boundaries... dreaming about something is the first step toward achieving it”
“Laugh – laughter is a direct route to the soul. It broadens yours perspective, keep your healthy and makes an unbearable situation easier to deal with”.
“Believe – set your mind to predict success, tell yourself you'll succeed at whatever you're doing at the moment.
“Allow yourself to grow by exposing your vulnerability and insecurity. Don't live strictly inside your comfort zone – don't always play it safe.
Play - “we can always find something that needs to be done, and we forget how to have fun. Make a conscious effort to take time off you'll feel refreshed and able to think more creatively afterwords.
Hope - “Hope is the knowledge that even in the worst of time we can triumph over hardship and sorrow and grow in spirit. Hope is what sustains humanity”.
Choose - “We can't always choose our circumstances, but we can choose our attitudes towards them”.Appreciate - Admire the good in yourself and in those around you.
Give - “Happiness involves giving freely to others and not necessarily wanting something in return”.
Read - “Reading removes boundaries.
Write – words are freedom. Words are power.
Realize – Avoid doing something just because everyone thinks you should give yourself permission to relax.
Crônica do Garibaldi: UMA LENDA ORIENTAL: "Era uma vez um tolo, que vivia à margem dum pagode, sonhava a tal ponto com o Céu que não mais enxergava a terra. Sua fé na justiça de Deus ..."
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