This is a silent revolution and even dangerous in the relationship between parents and children. The demands of the labor market constant updates are forcing parents to lose control over its due role in childrearing.
Parents try to deal with the obligations, are forgetting the role of managers in the life of another human being who fits them and transferring that obligation to the school and teachers.
For those who are at the forefront of space that leads to knowledge and learning, like school, is desperate to note that this lack of involvement of parents in their children generates. It is disheartening to realize how much the parents has gone to school an obligation that is theirs.
The family concept has been lost and with him many others, such as respect, dialogue and coexistence. Today we have couples living in the same house only out of necessity after the separation of bodies, they realize they can not live in two houses on your financial situation. Many parents have made horrors in front of children on behalf of that necessity forced to stay together, they blame the children for not being smart, why not improve the situation or even buy the car they want to have to support them.
In this scenario the child becomes a mere extra, without having a proper positioning, identity and family without even the prospect of improvement. In this context conflict comes to outrage, dismay, resignation to the ideals and dreams.
We need more education, better education, an education that can give clarity viza young people, they can see the opportunity to change their reality and to the family. A social education that can give them the responsibility for the building of their own destiny with the application of acquired knowledge, but first you must restore the position at home and mutual respect.
We are what we learn, our education is our future if we continue with the poor education of coming home and at school incomplete, we are vulnerable and subject to failure. It is urgent to encourage young people to excel, to rescue the self-esteem, not just compete among themselves but to help themselves, realize they are stronger together, add value to themselves and their families. Today more than ever before young people are in possession of the opportunity to change the reality of family better and to make life worthwhile.
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